Do you know that one? If you always do what you've always done, you'll always have what you've always had. What do you think? What if what you've been doing is your best, and you don't quite know how you could have done differently, and you certainly don't know how to do different now?
Well, sitting at work at nearly 7pm on a Friday isn't going to give a girl a good time, is it? Got in horribly late, as has been the case all week. Except for when I wasn't here. Which was quite a bit, as it happened. So, it's good to be here when it's very, very still and oh, so quiet... as Bjork would whisper. I bet Bjork isn't sitting at work finishing stuff off. No. She'd be out at a party, or a new groovy bar, being interesting and arty and intriguing.
Where was I? Oh yeah, finishing stuff off. Got something off my plate partly - at least signs of progress conveyed, some conundrums resolved, and clearly flagged for myself where I need to consult with others to get things sorted. Finance, for example. What do I know about that? Not much. So I'll ask the Finance people to make some decisions. I know I'm always saying I have to do everything myself, but I'm not gonna, you hear me?
Decided to role play beautiful, poised, accomplished woman today. I managed it for the 10 minute trip from the doctor's to the pharmacy and back to work. There are going to be different components to this role play. B, P and A will be the core elements. I always want to be them. However, sometimes, I will add a handsome, rich and kind husband with intelligence, wit, a fabulous sense of fun and play (and mega-doses of integrity). I think that may come in handy. However, I'm sad to say, that component has not resulted in being picked up in a BMW tonight after work, so I must slog home through the dark and cold, where FH (fabulous husband) component will not have cooked me a beautiful imaginary, tasty and vegan meal. No. So I'll try to role play BPA cooks own dinner on Friday night - partly because she's eaten out at least two nights this week. BPA may just eat toast tonight. Coz she's all busy and socialising like. She might be, but I'm not. Which is where we started, right?
How do you do things differently?
Dear Miss,
ReplyDeleteThis long overdue…My name is Carolina Wood of Matatula Clothing. One day, I happened to find a lovely comment you made regarding a particular style of dress which was reviewed on the Sew Tessuti Blog. Perhaps we have already met, and I don’t know it? I’m not quite sure. I would like to thank-you, please contact me at
Kindest regards,