Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Where have you beeeen?

No one says that quite like Lady Catherine de Bourgh in the 1995 Colin Firth version of Pride and Prejudice.  Sigh.  Where have I been?  Hanging around.  Forgetting the camera.

A creek near home.  I don't explore this place nearly enough, but am glad to have a new friend who likes to walk this way, so I get to see it much more often now.  It's generally a very relaxing place to be, except for when cyclists want to use it as a speed way.  Then I get cross.  Which spoils the walk. 

Some lovely ducks call this creek home.  They are the lucky ones.  I'm ashamed and distressed to say it's duck hunting season here, from March 19 to June 13.  I do not understand why sport requires animals to die.  I pray that the ducks (and other wildlife caught in the same areas) will get away safely, and that God will convict those who seem to enjoy this legal slaughter, to change their ways. 
Many ducks have died already. 
God have mercy.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Catching up!

The countryside on a sunny Autumn day.
Wind in the trees.
A vegetarian BBQ.
Old and new friends.
Reason to Wake.


Ah, a few days behind. 
A spontaneous walk in the park near work.  Whenever I spend time here, I wonder why I don't visit more often.
It's Autumn.  The colours are wonderful.  There is life here.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It's been very busy, but not terribly colourful or beautiful in Reason To Wake land lately.  However, a constant source of joy and love in life is the resident pride.  Here's two of them.

And some so-so street poetry (according to RTW's poetry consultant), but I like the idea - old style dynotape applied to the brick wall between one shop and another on a main thoroughfare.